
Car and Bank

A bank robbery followed by a burning car... something interesting to do at least.
Burning Car| James Robinson
Burning Car| James Robinson


Visitors center again

Ok this should be the last time with the new visitors center for awhile at least until November when the Cyclorama opens... Here are a few from the offical opening yesterday.
Visitor Center| James Robinson
Visitor Center| James Robinson
Visitor Center| James Robinson


Grass and an accident

Had to shoot a fatal accident today, while I was waiting, I shot a green field...
Grass| James Robinson
Accident| James Robinson


Peach Orchard

Replanting the Peach orchard on the Gettysburg battlefield...
Peach Tree| James Robinson


Visitors center

Here are a few from a media tour of the new visitors center in Gettysburg
Visitors Center| James Robinson
Visitors Center| James Robinson
Visitors Center| James Robinson


Perp walk

I think I like this picture, I might change my mind but I think it might have something.
Bad Guy| James Robinson