From time to time fires occur overnight when nobody is in the office to here them, this was one of those times. The fire occurred on Saturday night into Sunday morning the photographer we had on duty Sunday was stuck in Hershey all day covering cross country so I picked up the fire when I got in this morning.When I first showed up I made this picture and while looking for a secondary a fire truck rolled up to hose down the hot spot.
Barn fire
Posted by
James Robinson
9:36 AM
The Tour
Last night was the third annual "Tour de Hanover" basically an excuse for grown adults to get dressed up in ridiculous costumes and take to the streets trick or treating for alcoholic beverages.
For this years costume my lovely bride to be Ivy and I joined forces with our good friend Joe to go as "A Bad Joke."Well if you can't tell Joe was the priest, I was the minister, and Ivy was the rabbi. The final stop was the local bar where they were hosting a costume contest where we took third.
A good time was had by all...
Posted by
James Robinson
1:10 PM
Picture takers
It's one of those days to pull something from the archive. Not that it was a bad shooting day but I just got to start a story that I will be working on more next week and want to wait till then to post.
So in the mean time this is a wedding I shot a few months ago in State College, I don't want to post the standard cheesy wedding shot so here is a slightly different look at a cake cutting.
Posted by
James Robinson
3:47 PM
Riding the train
Went for a ride on the Pioneer Scenic Rail Line in Gettysburg today for a story for our Adams County section. It was a cool ride with some unique people. I was trying to come up with something graphic playing with the the scenes going by outside the train and some members of the church group from Maryland that were there. I could not resist the hat this guy was wearing and the trees going by in the background just gave it a the right mood. And of course the conductor walking through the slice of light between two of the cars. This was the first thing I saw. Considering how slow we were going it was a shaky ride, and I had to push my ISO higher than I like to keep camera shake down.
Posted by
James Robinson
10:45 PM
Fun with a ringflash
Built a ringflash today (found the directions here) to do an illustration for Flipside, our going out section, but I had more fun running around the office annoying my coworkers. This one is of the M.E. Carl...
Posted by
James Robinson
3:28 PM
Older stuff
Here is another from the archive, shot this last winter up in Hershey. Not to much to say about it just that I was wandering through the stands trying to entertain my self in between matches. If your wondering this is shot through a piece of Plexiglas that was put over top of the press box in this ancient arena.
Posted by
James Robinson
9:47 AM
The origin
The idea for this blog really started with this image, I was shooting at the YMCA pool when I got this picture and I really did not know what to do with it. It is not something that would typically run in the paper but I still liked it. Then the whole blog thing just developed out of finding a outlet for some homeless pictures.
I have been holding on to a bunch of these that I will post now and then for a while.
Posted by
James Robinson
5:15 PM
Two posts, look ma I'm on a roll... This is Shane Henry last week at district golf. It was a gorgeous day and walking around a golf course for a few hours was a great way to spend a late Saturday morning, especially since he was the only golfer from the area that we had to cover so I was not racing around the course. That kind of time let me really play with the light and colors and get something different than the typical golf shot, this ran on the cover of the sports page.
Posted by
James Robinson
3:16 PM
Well ok
So, ummm, first post.... well the idea for this blog is there is no idea. It is going to be pictures that for one reason or other just float my boat. Some stuff you will find on my website, or in the paper and others that you will find no where else (most likely because no were else will run them). So enjoy.
This first one is from a soccer game I shot a few weeks ago out in Gettysburg, I was sitting with my back to the sunset the whole game and when i got up to run to another assignment well the picture was just kinda staring me in the face so I took it. I was going to wait for some action but I was already running late so.
Posted by
James Robinson
1:56 PM